Not A Billion Followers!

You must have seen it by now: some of your Twitter friends promoting a site promising people to get them thousands of followers. You guessed it, I’m talking about BillionFollowers. It looks exciting, you visit the site and you start thinking, wow, imagine having all these new followers in my account! Very tempting indeed.

However, before joining, be sure to read their TOS. To become a member, you must give them your Twitter credentials (login details) and allow them to post to your Twitter feed every 4 hours. Can you imagine that? I don’t even tweet 4 times a day right now (although I should post more often!). If their bot posts an ad for their site on my Twitter account every 4 hours, my legitimate tweets will get lost in all that spammy promotion of their site. Yes, spammy.

The principle of the site is good, everyone (or at least every marketer!) wants more followers. It’s why we all join Twitter, right? To broadcast to the largest audience possible? It’s the endless tweeting of the same ads that is bad. If they were offering the same service, but letting members promote by themselves or set the frequency of the postings to once a day, or even once a week, it would be a lot better. What good is it if people start to unfollow you because they just can’t stand these BillionFollowers ads that you keep on posting over and over? (well, not you, but the site you gave access to your account).

As more and more people join this site, Twitter will become polluted with all these same identical ads popping all over all the time. Guess what? My bet is that the mighty Twitter machine will put its foot down and say “Enough!” When that day comes, you will not want to be a member of that site with all these annoying ads in your Twitter feed and Direct Messages… or your account just might be swept away in the process… Just a thought. It is possible that nothing as dramatic will ever happen.

Of course, you can still join as a VIP member. I was not able to find out how much it costs, so I guess you have to join to see that. VIP accounts are exempt from automatic tweets for promotional purposes. Is it worth it? I have no idea. Will you get your money’s worth? There’s only one way to find out. I guess it depends on what you want from your Twitter account.

In the end, one of the best ways to get more followers is to look for people who are like-minded, meaning people who are following the same people as you do or who are talking about the same things as you do. Yes, it will take more time than joining a site promising the world, but you will annoy less people in the process. And as you start manually following more people, you will find that more people are starting following you! Some people will follow you back just because you followed them first, and other people will start to follow you because you are following someone they are following… Viral marketing at its best!

Follow me on Twitter, I will follow you back!


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